looks very nice, thanks. would appreciate better documenting of SMTP options (login & password) and support for Authelia.
very nice, thank you. one of the best posts i’ve seen here.
i think you’re overcomplicating this a bit. a list of regexps in the user profile would work.
thanks, I guess I missed it. gonna update ASAP just in case, even though I’m the only user of my instance.
unfortunately there’s no images for 0.18.2-anything yet :(
yeah i too would appreciate keyword-based filters.
i’ve lived through the fall of USSR so i consider modern communists incredibly naive but i wouldn’t try denying them their freedom to express themselves.
as opposed to people who run around calling everyone they disagree with nazis just so that nobody would dare argue against them.
that’s people in general. i’ve seen plenty posts here calling to ban ‘bad’ opinions or defederate instances that allow them.
you’re looking for zfs set sync=disabled which would bring performance back to acceptable levels. the alternative is using enterprise SSDs.
i think Fade to black was a victim of early push into 3d which traded beautiful 2d backgrounds to blocky low-poly environments. I couldn’t get into it and I too played through Flashback many times.
if you pass all outbound connections through vpn you’ll be fine.
i’m hosting lemmy on a vds using an S3 storage hosted at home (over wireguard). :)
i’ve decided against hosting lemmy at home because there’s no way to setup a proxy for outbound connections (or i couldn’t find it) so any federation request your lemmy instance makes reveals your home IP to owners of that particular instance.
re: container logs issue, the proper fix is setting this once in daemon.json (which is what you did) and fixing this issue node-wide instead of adding custom logging into compose files, unless the situation requires it (we had an application which had to use gelf for, oh god) which isn’t the case here. i just have an ansible role to deploy docker which configures logging, among other things.
agree that multiple networks may have a use but definitely not in this particular case.
I always see docker compose files like this as a starting point
same here, unfortunately not everyone has necessary expertise to do that, default setup linked on the project page shouldn’t be this half-baked.
also, unless they fixed it already, 3 days ago compose file and nginx.conf had mismatching ports so it would just never work ootb.
every time i see this compose file my head hurts
it’s a development setup. devs really need to put a production enduser version of this out there.
replace the whole build: yaml block with image: dessalines/lemmy:0.17.1
also bump both versions from 0.17.1 to 0.17.4
so it’s an electron web app you could instead of in-browser web ui?