You can never have enough cute dogs!
At least copy the contents of that tweet. I will never ever click on a Twitter link. I hate that site.
The gem one is cute and allegedly 1 cm smoller than Gura. She reminds me of Pikamee. 🥰 I’ll try to live watch her debut.
The dogs seems to be the chaotical ones. 🤪
Not sure about the two goths… One of them looks like Kronii. 🤔
Earth Defence Force 5
There’s mostly only some really funny voice over during the missions. EDF6 is already there but the developer always takes his time to translate the game into English.
I recommend Fire Emblem: Three Houses.
It’s a tactical role playing game which means you have a bunch of characters that you level up in and outside of tactical battles.
Maybe you like it.
The company structure only exists to provide a way to hire gitea developers for paid work.
For now. But n the long run the focus will shift to profit. That’s a totally normal thing.
It’s not about that.
If the game loop doesn’t run at the same speed as the render loop you’ll get ‘tearing’ - some game objects are at the latest state, some are not. That can cause some funky bugs.
Because it’s easier to programm a single thread that executes a sequence of commands like [ update-gamelogic, update-graphics, etc. ] instead of at least 2 threads (for gamelogic and graphics) that you have to synchronize somehow. Synchronization can be pretty difficult!
The fellow is upside down.
In Sweden there are only three snakes: The smooth snake/Hasselsnok, the grass snake/Snok and the adder/Hug(g)orm.
The Snok is a bright one.
Did you increase font size in the app or system? The buttons are probably there, just out of bounds.
There should be some buttons below the image.
How many kidneys do I need to buy it?
Why didn’t someone tell me that earlier? Thank you! 😘
According to source the ecc has to ‘kick-in’ about 3700 times per year and dimm module. That’s 10 times per day and dimm.
Depending on how important your server is to you you’ll either need it (in case of important data you absolutely don’t want to lose) or forget about it (just a hobby project, nothing serious).
Foldable display - They are still way too expensive!
Metal case - I just loved the heavy Samsung Omnia 7 metal case. It made it unbreakable and grippy!
I really liked both Freespace games and also played FSO. 🥰 Too bad there’s no FS3. 😭🤧😢
Elite Dangerous has nice graphics and fantastic sound but I find it boring. 😪
X4 is less of a space shooter and more of a economy simulator. 🤑
Could have been a Stellaris DLC.
I hated the base building too. It’s a really tedious system with a bad UI. I really hope it’s just an optional feature in Starfield.
In the gameplay trailer they said something like putting the base parts together and then finishing something in them. It sounds like there’re some sorts of decorations/contraptions you have to add inside a built room. It would be completely fine if the rooms themselves do or provide something without cluttering the interiors.
It’s so weird that elves are now the good guys. They were actually dream spirits that give you nightmares (engl. nightmare ≫ german Alptraum = elf dream). And no, they weren’t described having otherworldly beauty.
It’s also believed that nordic elves and dwarfs are the same beings in the Edda. The nordic word for elf is álfr which often is part of dwarf names.