I like the look of both of these but do you know a way to sync them with a PC?
I like the look of both of these but do you know a way to sync them with a PC?
If you’re planning to download media, check out the Server Wiki. It has guides on setting up all the software to automate the process.
Most Usenet providers offer secure connections so I don’t know if it’s necessary, but I use a VPN.
Good work, it looks cozy. What’s the grate under the couch?
I’m seeing the same. My instance was upgraded last night, now the front page reloads everytime I go back. Testing on Firefox on Android, not sure of other setups.
I have 2 yubi keys for the more important systems and store the rest in bitwarden.
With your 2 yubi keys, is it possible to set one up as a clone of the other? I’ve been manually adding to both keys but that’s a pain when I don’t have the backup with me.
I was recently having issues with my Roku Premier stuttering on some media. It’s hardwired to the same network as the server.
What fixed it for me was changing the audio output in the main Roku settings to stereo. This Roku use to be setup with a receiver to decode the audio stream but is currently sending audio directly to the TV. I think decoding the audio was too much for the Roku.
I just finished listening to a podcast about a very similar situation, it’s a great listen. It’s called Noble for anyone interested.