this is Pierogi poor Ozman’s little sister.
I’ve heard of the white cat issues too! I think it may have to do with the blue eyed gene too, but Ozzy has green eyes.
Nope none of the above! He can hear his can of food being opened every morning and definitely sees when his “little” sister wants to cuddle with him on the couch.
This is Ken Forkish’s White Bread with Poolish recipe from Flour Water Salt Yeast. Makes 2 loaves.
I make the poolish the night before. Do a bulk fermentation for at least 3 hours, then final prove for 1. Bake in a dutch oven with the lid on for 30 mins, then 20 mins with it off.
There will always be shows where the references go over the viewers heads. Hell, I’ve had to Google so much from The Golden Girls that I didn’t understand. My 10 year old and 7 year old both love Futurama. The characters are timeless.
Saw it for the 1st time last October. My kid absolutely loved it and wants to move to Chicago to see it more often.