I’ve been on Pulsar since Atom retired and I love it. I’m mostly doing AsciiDoc with a bit of HTML, CSS, JS, J/CSON, and OAS/YAML.
Some of our team switched to VSCode but I prefer Pulsar’s UI and workflow, and especially the multicursor support. Obviously it’s still under active development to tidy up leftover cruft from the fork, and there are a few more AsciiDoc-specific features I’d love to add without resorting to custom scripts, but overall it’s my favourite editor by far.
As an Ender 3 S1 Pro owner, I say buy a Prusa 😅
If you need to go cheaper, look at the Sovol SV06 - it’s basically a Prusa clone with surprisingly positive reviews for the price, and it’s Klipperable if you decide you want a performance boost down the road.
S1 Pro here as well, and for 3 or 4 months my hobby was 3D printer troubleshooting before I could transition it into actual 3D printing 😅 Everyone’s experience is different, which is exactly the problem with Creality - you’ll probably get a decent printer but it’s still a dice roll every time until they (hopefully) start investing in consistent quality control.
If I was starting today my budget option would be a Sovol SV06. Prusa definitely has the edge on reliable (albeit somewhat pricey) bedslingers, but my initial aversion to Bambu’s closed-ish ecosystem is quickly eroding at the prospect of owning a fast coreXY that just works and handles ASA/ABS straight out of the box.
Definitely heat - pretty much all windshields/windows nowadays block UV, otherwise the dash/seats/etc. would also get wrecked way quicker than they do, not to mention drivers getting sunburn even with the windows up.
Zack’s Gridfinity vids were the reason I bought a printer in the first place so Thangs was my first stop, and I love that their search also indexes Printables/Thingiverse/Cults3D/etc.
Printables has the best UI and community engagement though. Seriously, in 2023 there’s no excuse for your website not having a dark mode option.