We’re trying, but you can’t reason with hate-fueled chaos. They’ll die off eventually and history won’t paint them as the patriots they imagine themselves. Sanity will return, but it will take time.
We’re trying, but you can’t reason with hate-fueled chaos. They’ll die off eventually and history won’t paint them as the patriots they imagine themselves. Sanity will return, but it will take time.
I think holding a grudge is not good for anyone. However, remembering details about who wrongs you and over what is important–you take measures to avoid letting them take advantage of you again. They have damaged your trust in them.
Your trust level in people should reflect how they’ve treated you. It should be possible to earn back trust over mistakes when someone truly regrets wrongdoing, but people should understand that this takes time and consistency. Anyone who doesn’t understand this is not worthy of your trust.
Well put. They’re a dying breed and they know it. Principles are long out the window, now they just want to burn it down.
Yeah like fucking off to Cancun while his constituents froze without power and in many cases, water
Fahhhcking Tim. You mean this time, Tim?
Thank fuck for the vacuum. The Son of Shark, the Anti-Calculus, Destroyer of Integrals