started playing this town building sim called dago noka! it’s mindless enouugh to just unwind with.
started playing this town building sim called dago noka! it’s mindless enouugh to just unwind with.
i’m in the same boat, i was burned out after completing the main story and shrines so i moved on to the backlog but every day i feel the urge to just jump back in. i’m just waiting at this point if dlc will be anounced in the sept direct to figure out when i do want to jump back in.
fight moldugas -> sell the ridiculous amount of parts it drops
bobby kotick seemed to imply that the next console is more switch and backwards compatible, even if he didn’t seem complete sure. regarding this rumor, ninty was proud of dread and sakamoto definitely has the internal clout to get mercury steam those dev kits. if it’s true, it also means that bandai/capcom/SE etc probably has long had the dev kits as well.
if an enemy is in range, it activates and look at it. if you got something attached to the head (like a beam or a flamethrower) it activates that and starts firing at what it is looking. i’ve seen some wilder applications on twitter but i stop getting how it works at some point.
the ‘charged charger’ from the yiga schematics is a good base to build upon. i ended up slapping spikes, stabilizer, and some homing beams on a construct head and it does a decent job with mobs.
what i wish was for something that would damage the blue-white frox quicker. i’m not creative enough to use all the tools.
botw was already a pseudo-reimagining of zelda 1, as per the devs. on the other hand, it would be interesting to see them do something with zelda 2, however. ninty alternates between ignoring that game and not.
not too bad! probably could have used some more polish (the item menu could have been less messy) but it’s fine for what it is.