Which is more fantastical? Unlimited profits and line going up forever in a finite world? Or capitalism actually ending so all lives can live free from subjugation?
Which is more fantastical? Unlimited profits and line going up forever in a finite world? Or capitalism actually ending so all lives can live free from subjugation?
Got burnt by consequences of button mashing that, for the most part, I ended up just letting the game be, controller in hand, zero input due to paralysis.
Everything is political, my friend. Accept it, and be kind when discussing! (Not to fascists tho, they will exploit your kindness.)
You do see tons of funeral home services and burial plots up for grabs. Buy property for when you die!
Here’s my country’s top selling services asking you to pre-plan! https://www.nirvana.com.my/getting-started/pre-planning/
It’s not you. It’s how society is structured. It necessitates the hyper-individualization of the work force. As you grow older, you work more, but your work is disconnected from all the things that truly matter to humans. Your “friends” become shallow, hungry for money to survive. You start disconnecting from them too, and realize you can probably only share your deepest thoughts with perhaps one other person. That ends up as your partner in our current society.
I believe we can move towards a better structure where we can all be friends. Good question for all of us to ask constantly is: “What’s preventing people from becoming friends?”
Art, like love, must always be free.