Great summary!
Great summary!
Wow, looks great!
I see your point. I like that the UI is quite simple, reminds me of the UI in iMessage. I was choosing between telegram and signal but mostly went with signal due to positive things I read online, in addition to being recommended on Privacytools.io which felt good.
I have one friend who does not receive messages when he’s at his work Wi-Fi. My guess is that it’s some firewall protection or something.
Ah okay. Tbh I don’t know much about the subject …
Yeah, that’s entirely possible; I have some friends unwilling to convert (or that I haven’t bothered with). I do however note an increase in use in Sweden, so I’m still hopeful. Best converter would of course be major screw up from WhatsApp etc. which may or may not happen, but then I’ll be ready to bang the drums again :)
Interesting, I had no idea.
Using Signal since a few years. Don’t know anything about security but from a user perspective, I can highly recommend it. Takes some time converting your friends but after that it does its thing.
Ah, that’s unfortunate… tried searching for it but couldn’t find any versions with English subs unfortunately.
Agree, I would also recommend Kobo. In addition, at my Kobo I can also borrow books directly from our public library for free in Sweden. Very convenient.
Such a great actor!
Wow looks great!
I just found that I find having stuff really taxing mentally. Both the thought of having spent money and wasted space on things I rarely or never enjoy; or the endless maintenance and cleaning of those things. I have found a good balance where I have just the things I need and some extras that I haven’t bothered with getting rid off.
It should be said that I am financially quite comfortable, so in the worst case I can just purchase or rent what I may be needing in the future.
Just finished ”Day of the Jackal” and started reading ”Born to run”.