Looks great! What are all the layers?
Looks great! What are all the layers?
I’m surprised no one mentioned the Analogue Pocket, especially if you had cartridges. It does have support for ROMs as well. One of the best features is that you can sleep your device on even original cartridges
It’s been pretty fun! I’m looking forward to what’s to come!
Unfortunately, no SNES core has the capability of save states. Someone would need to create one with that in mind, but according to some core devs, it’s very difficult. The Analogue Pocket would have been the clear winner if that was the case
Yeah, I’m super excited for it to come in. I’m not sure if it’s true or not to set up a system of cloud saves to continue playing on my desktop or not.
Looks great! I really like the idea of having all my physical games out on display like this