Yeah this is what a lot of people have been saying for a while. It is a meaningful difference.
Yeah this is what a lot of people have been saying for a while. It is a meaningful difference.
Workers and Resources: Soviet Republic. It doesn’t have bike lanes but you can set a fully pedestrianised city, as emergency vehicles can use footpaths if needed. It also has trains, trams, buses and trolleybuses. Also helicopters, which are cool but impractical most of the time. The public transport line management is pretty in depth too, you can have pick up only spots, spots specific for workers or students, drop off only, or a bunch of other parameters. It’s really good.
It also has resource management, but the difficulty settings are really granular so you can adjust it to however you like.
Whatever, plain old xenophobic hatred then. It’s a good thing pedantry is alive and well.
You can be an ethnic Russian. That’s kind of besides the point though, “racial” boundaries are very often blurred and a hard and fast division of peoples is inherently a generalisation.
Maybe, but this meme is clearly in reference to the restrictions on supplied weapons to Ukraine. The LOTR link I might be reading into a bit much, but the prevalence of the term orc and the trotting out of the Asiatic horde trope made me primed to see it in this.
It’s probably in reference to NATO countries supplying Ukraine with weapons on the provision they are not used in Russian territory. This meme is potentially implying that NATO shouldn’t care about a direct war with Russia.
The reason it would be using LOTR is because DAE Ruzzians is orcs?
But don’t worry, this time the racism against the enemy is justified since they are inherently different, and not even european. They have a completely different outlook on death, and don’t value their own or each other’s lives. Also the same with China.
Oops my bad, sometimes I miss it lol.
They are marxists and/or leninists because they are marxist-leninists. Fascism and Nazism are very different things to Marxism-Leninism, and I think people just see something that isn’t a western democracy and call it fascist as a knee-jerk reaction.
Atlantic Canada and the Maritimes refer to the same thing right? I’m not from there so I get the terms confused, but I hope to see a Nova Scotia/New Brunswick/ P.E.I. team eventually.
Surely it would be better to put teams in more passionate hockey areas? Seattle made sense but Atlanta really seems like football country. Quebec, Hamilton or the Maritimes seem better and more interesting to me, especially Quebec or the Maritimes. I’m sure I read a study about how Canada could support far more teams despite their smaller population due to the higher proportion of hockey fans.
Surely this year will be the Lions’ year. Surely. Right?
I liked this one. Zapp always gives me a laugh. So far this and the Christmas ones have been my favourites, the rest being meh to ok.
I feel like boltgun is probably the pinnacle of space marine games tbh. The description of space marines in universe just maps so neatly to a boomer shooter. That and rogue trader are probably the two perfect genres for their 40k topic
But it wasn’t so often the central theme of the episode. We’ve had 4 out of 5 stories based purely around current events.
I haven’t seen Saga, but I feel the chronological cut would lead to a loss of punch in the scenes with young Vito. Part of it is knowing where he ends up and what happens, and comparing that to his beginnings.
It had some pretty funny moments, and the universe being trapped in an ever expanding warehouse is pretty Futurama, but I was pretty disheartened when I saw the name of the episode and when I saw it was just about Amazon. I hope not all of them are current event things.
Shooting out of a cannon with the wings hat and flying around in Mario 64 was such a pure fun experience for my kid brain. The switch in music and just soaring around a 3d level was really something special at the time.
I would rather it have ended on a high note as it did before the reboot if all the episodes are going to be kind of meh. New episodes for the sake of new episodes don’t do it for me. I’m hoping it picks up though
The only issue I would have with a 93 start date is it excludes games like Dune, Wolfenstein 3D, and the original Civilisation, which were earlier in the 90s.
Having said that, every cut off point has its flaws, and a more focused range could lead to a more focused and spirited community. Very weird that COD:MW2 is 14 years old btw.
At least this take is honest about the disregard for human lives as long as it furthers the interests of the US.