Oh man, I forgot that even existed! I used an app for it for quite a while, I didn’t realise how long it must have been since I used it
This is one of those situations where the best course of action is to support those apps which do exist - either by contributing code yourself, submitting bug reports and suggestions, or potentially with monetary donations if that’s possible for you.
The open source community can only be as good as those that contribute towards it.
For me, it’s using emulation. I’m currently playing Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door from the GameCube, and there are very few android games that can match the quality of older AAA titles.
Plus, no microtransactions!
Wherever possible buy outright, it is always cheaper. If needed, get a 0% interest credit card and use that to buy it outright. Do not fall into their trap of paying hundreds more for convenience and interest, all while never actually owning the device.