An eclectic #nerdy #weirdo.

In addition to tech, #Linux, and other things #FLOSS, I’m also into #travel, jam bands (mostly Grateful Dead), music festivals, and anything related to exploring the #cosmos.

All puns are intended.

#actuallyautistic #deadhead #hockey

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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023

  • Usually, I just smoke cannabis until my body goes “TIMBEEEEERRR!” ;-P

    Seriously, though, routine plays a big role. I tend to lay down/wake-up at around the same time every day. About an hour before I go to bed, I put on a comfort TV show & brush my teeth. At this point, notifications are being silenced on my phone until the next morning, so less incentives to pick it up. While I’m watching the show, I intermittently close my eyes for a few minutes as a signal to my brain about the direction we’re heading, helps keep the peanut gallery in my head from getting chatty right as I’m laying down.

    White noise while I sleep is required, I need something constant that covers-up the incidental noises. Otherwise, I pop awake when someone runs the faucet or what-have-you.

    That’s what I’ve figured out works for me, YMMV.

  • I used to use Joplin, I liked that it integrated with my Nextcloud, and the markdown format. However, the way that it handles the markdown files was too black-boxey to me, with the way it split them up in a weird scheme.

    Now I use Ghostwriter with straight markdown files inside my Nextcloud folder. So I still get the syncing functionality, but a more flexible setup that doesn’t require a specific app to access all of my notes.

  • Yeah, other people adding hierarchical connotations to what we call people we’re romantically involved with really rubs me the wrong way…so if some of what I say comes off as harsh, that’s why.

    Use what you & the people you’re in a relationship with decide on…period. You decide what meaning(s) that word carries, and you’re the ones that have to live with this decision.

    I’m sorry, but whoever scolds someone for choosing a certain word to call people they’re romantically involved with needs to back the f off.

  • Ryan@lemmy.worldtoAutism@lemmy.worldLearning to drive?
    2 years ago

    Cars & I don’t get along…at all. I started learning to drive when I was 15, couldn’t get my license until I was almost 20 because of repeated test failures.

    Every single car I’ve owned died from either a major accident (most likely due to sensory overwhelm), or mechanical neglect. The last time I stepped behind the wheel of a car was at least 8 years ago. I’ve been using mostly public transit & occasionally Lyft/Uber.

    I don’t regret my decision to give-up driving, the amount of anxiety & what-not has dropped tremendously. You could liquidate & offer me all of Elon Musk’s & Jeff Bezos’ assets, and it would not be enough to get me to drive again.

  • Without reading any of the comments, I’ll share this…

    Personally, I use “I’m autistic,” not “I have autism.” It’s so ingrained in how I’ve experienced & interacted with the world. There is literally no aspect of my personality, emotional processing, etc. that hasn’t been significantly touched by it in some way. However, I can see how others may not have that same relationship, and a presumption of “autistic” can be problematic to those that prefer “have autism.”

    As with anything, always ask what the other person prefers, and kindness goes a long way.

    I’m interested to see what others wrote on the subject. :-)