Because “Git” is the technology. GitHub is just one site that works with it.
Sounds like the other commenter got it. I’m commenting because the only time I’ve ever posted about a book o couldn’t remember was “The Dark Lord of Derkholm” also by Diana Wynn Jones! Great book of you haven’t read it. She wrote Howell’s Moving Castle too.
an estimated 476 million Indigenous peoples dwell on lands that are home to 80 percent of the world’s biodiversity.
This seems important. This is a number not often talked about in aggregate, at least that I’ve seen. Recognizing my own dis-ease at feeling like I would have way underestimated that figure before reading.
I immediately knew this was STS. Well done! Ironically my first response was to think you should tweet it at the devs… Maybe they have a mastodon account?
This is probably more up to date than that blog post.
When I was learning I used Heroku free tier to host sites/servers. I was also using the MERN stack and used a Heroku CLI tool to do deployments.
Here’s a step by step guide on for how to deploy an app to heroku. Hope it’s helpful!
Do you hear the underlying chords/counter melodies while you’re playing like that? Sounds dope 👍
You can plant suckers that you take off and they have a pretty good rooting chance.
I’m seeing lots of videos of soldiers on streets in Russia and feeling uneasy.
Sprout Lands: Tending the Endless Gift of Trees – William Bryant Logan, link to authors website
Once, farmers knew how to make a living hedge and fed their flocks on tree-branch hay. Rural people knew how to prune hazel to foster abundance: both of edible nuts, and of straight, strong, flexible rods for bridges, walls, and baskets. Townspeople cut their beeches to make charcoal to fuel ironworks. Shipwrights shaped oaks to make hulls. No place could prosper without its inhabitants knowing how to cut their trees so they would sprout again.
I re-read via audio book the whole series from Oct 2021 through Dec 2023. I think you’re spot on here. Wow, very well thought out. Please bring more of your analyses over here!
I came to say the same thing. It’s even more apparent if you have your display in black and white!
Not necessarily about herbs, per se, but if you want to try creating as much food from your land, these are good places to start. Ecology is important!