From what I gather, while they track feature usage, they claim they won’t track your sites. They still won’t help protect your privacy from other apps, companies, and pages.
From what I gather, while they track feature usage, they claim they won’t track your sites. They still won’t help protect your privacy from other apps, companies, and pages.
Is there a new concern around another wave of COVID in the Portland area or from travelers? I haven’t seen a masks required event like this since last year. Not knocking it, just surprising to me from what I’ve seen in the last few months with the CDC removing masking requirements from their guidelines and even hospitals dropping the requirement.
Fun. It looks like they swapped out shrooms with salvia.
Regardless of company size or popularity, that is sketchy. While not perfect by any means , google play affords some security scanning and privacy awareness info on apps that are published there. Others are probably right. And I bet DJI probably wanted to skip that step to trade for ease of management. But any time you install something off a non play store repo you take on a little extra risk.
I mean if you do hit this, like I have. You can just use google’s webcached view. or sometimes the internet archive.
I found this covers most of my needs: https://cachedview.com/
I don’t imagine this will happen to Trump, but really what happens if you can’t find get a lawyer to represent you. Not because you can’t afford one. But because none will take you on as a client!
The poor public defender that would get that case…
There is a lot of helpful information there. I hope that some of that can stay as search indexing on archive sites is difficult.
All that said, I just deleted my accounts I had with them. If I use it, it will be without being logged in and only the odd search for something I need.
And hopefully, improvements to platforms like Lemmy grow to where I can search for what I need there or find the best community to ask a question in a few seconds rather than 5-10 minutes. No hate, just where the platform is at right now with the influx.
I misread this at first and got excited thinking it meant it was coming to the nvidia shield for some reason. I guess it kind of is, in a way.
Final Fantasy XVI. Much more gritty than the others. Just as much angst. Still, I’m enjoying it.