I still use it. Is there anything better?
I still use it. Is there anything better?
EMACS. It’s the superior text editor.
I agree with the above poster, but in a more calm manner. I don’t think your question comes from being malicious, but from a place of wanting to know more.
Technically upvotes are for contents that befit the sub and are relevant, and downvotes are for things that are irrelevant for the sub they weren’t meant to be used as like/dislike.
I don’t think about Avril Lavigne.
Not what downvotes are made for. I found it funny however.
I wish this wasn’t in SoD. I am not interested in its mechanics, and they don’t feel vanilla like. Why isn’t something like this being added to normal vanilla?
Isn’t qute just a chromium wrapper?
What about Simplex over Matrix?
An acquaintance of mine got high and went batshit insane till he fell asleep. It was scary. The kid had a lot of family issues. He basically jumped up and started attacking a friend of mine wildly, and wouldn’t stop. There was so much of his hair in the clenched fists of the attacker. It definitely exists, but is really rare that it happens.
Sure. What GPU, Monitor Resolution , refresh rate and size are you using? Did it all work out of the box? How do you play steam games? Did you just know to go for the compatibility setting and turn on proton? Which proton version did you use? Do you know the difference between all the versions? What about non steam games? Did you install Lutris? So you know what Vine is. Is it an emulator? They say it isn’t, but it is, isn’t it? Why do you have a media player folder in each game folder you install via Lutris? What about desktop icons? How would you launch your games, if you had them all on desktop before?
The simplest thing I had to do on my 42” 4K was to increase UI scaling, which in turn made my mouse unbelievably slow. In order to change DPI, I had to install three different Logitech drivers, where none worked. In the end, I was forced to edit the matrix in xinput manually, and add a startup command to run it on launch. But that lead to most of my games being rendered in wrong resolution or crashing. The solution was to install GNOME tweaks and increase the font size.
Sure, all of this may not be a problem to me as a sysadmin, or to you, but it is a major deterrent to the layman.
I switched about two weeks ago to PopOS on my gaming PC. Everything works smoothly now, but I am also highly knowledgeable with computers and work as a sysadmin. Even PopOS isn’t plug and play for someone who just turn on their PC and launches Steam to play some games. Whilst all my games work now, almost every game requires a small tuning, some small fix, some config changing to work properly. I wouldn’t recommend Linux gaming to those who aren’t technically capable enough to know how to install an OS or research distros without following a tutorial.
Depends. On Ubuntu? Sure. On Wayland Arch? Good luck.
I use elfeed with emacs.