Np, thanks for understanding
Np, thanks for understanding
Essentially giving out tickets for jaywalking when there’s a robbery going down a few feet away.
It means I’m an idiot. Haha
I meant to say something along the lines of
“People who prioritize hunting down artists and those who download art are prolonging the real abuse and sexual exploitation of actual children.” That’s not to say it’s an active effort to, but it’s a result of misappropriating effort.
I just woke up when I wrote that and am still tired so sorry for the typos and wording.
I got kinda bummed that someone over at the exploding-heads instance was spreading bullshit about that.
Denmark has no laws restricting loli art. Why? Because after all their studies and research they failed to prove it could actually harm real children. We’re finding similar stuff in the U.S.
Even showing a clear case that it helps reduce child harm.
People that prioritize drawings over art are really hurting actual victims here.
As my favorite waifu Tonkatsu Sinclair says, it’s lazy activism. You get to feel good about yourself while not actually doing anything worthwhile that helps people.
Not to mention diverting massive resources from actually stopping child harm towards a P.R. stunt. This would only actually harm children more.
Last I checked, the FBI receives more than 2 million reports of CSAM a year, most of it inactionable. Who wants to bet how much of it is art and not actually a child being abused that they could really allocate resources to finding?
The U.N. tried to ban loli art?
Most arguments are based on belief rather than facts. We rarely do the research and testing ourselves and instead just trust whomever we already agree with and is considered an expert.
Problem is that’s on all sides of the political spectrum. Everyone thinks their experts are right and everyone else is crazy or deluded.
The way to resolve this and find out what’s actually true isn’t by shutting down what one disagrees with, but by engaging in debates and discussion with each other, and pointing out the holes in each other’s reasoning and tests.
I think Seal might work for you.
For Android you guys should check out Seal
I don’t think it goes as elaborate as the above post, but it works on every site yt-dlp does.
Ah, that’s smart
I definitely agree.
Sure, np.
Page 280 if the link breaks: https://archive.org/details/in.ernet.dli.2015.59272/page/n279/mode/1up
People rarely know what the paradox of tolerance really is and just use it as a cudgel to shut down any argument they disagree with.
The creator of the idea himself said
"I do not imply, for instance, that we should always suppress the utterance of intolerant philosophies; as long as we can counter them by rational argument and keep them in check by public opinion, suppression would certainly be most unwise.
But we should claim the right to suppress them if necessary even by force; for it may easily turn out that they are not prepared to meet us on the level of rational argument, but begin by denouncing all argument"
Why 2 piholes?
That answers everything. Thank you for the detailed answer.
Can we have some clarification on what’s allowed in regards to “hate speech”?
On one hand:
“Burggit aims to be a platform for Free Thought and Expression. Our goal is to have a place where people can freely and respectfully express their ideas/opinions without fear of being censored because they decided to use the wrong terms/wordings.”
“While we’re fine with people posting offensive speech and imagery, we won’t allow them to use their right to “Free Speech” as a weapon against the overall health of the platform. Threatening, Berating, Dogpiling, Doxxing and otherwise being complete and total assholes to other users will not be tolerated.”
And in the rules:
“Minimal Restrictions on Content/Speech.”
“Do not out right harass other users. Opposing opinions and potentially offensive speech is fine, but don’t go out of your way to endlessly berate someone. This includes users of other instances.”
But on the other hand:
“Anything is allowed here as long as it’s not anything illegal in The Netherlands”
“No illegal content under Netherlands law”
Looking it up, the hate speech laws are:
"The Dutch penal code prohibits both insulting a group (article 137c) and inciting hatred, discrimination or violence (article 137d). The definition of the offences as outlined in the penal code is as follows:
Article 137c: “He who publicly, orally, in writing or graphically, intentionally expresses himself insultingly regarding a group of people because of their race, their religion or their life philosophy, their heterosexual or homosexual orientation or their physical, psychological or mental disability, shall be punished by imprisonment of no more than a year or a monetary penalty of the third category.”
Article 137d: “He who publicly, orally, in writing or graphically, incites hatred against, discrimination of or violent action against person or belongings of people because of their race, their religion or their life philosophy, their gender, their heterosexual or homosexual orientation or their physical, psychological or mental disability, shall be punished by imprisonment of no more than a year or a monetary penalty of the third category.”"
Sorry I don’t mean to rock the boat by getting all technical. My personal belief is that no speech should be restricted or regulated Except calls to harm someone physically, and/or calls to prevent someone from doing what they need to survive. (I.e. Telling a crowd to surround someone’s home, preventing them from working and buying food, etc.)
What’s your consensus for terms like t–p, n----r, f----t etc?
I don’t use these terms (except t–p because come on.) But I’m wondering what’s allowed here.
That nsfw paywall is gonna have some interesting results.
You said “but is legal” insinuating that Tor is illegal and unsafe. Do you have anything to support this claim? I get in some places in the world it’s illegal, but as for safety that’s up to the user to decide how careful they are.
That’s ingenious.
Can you elaborate on a detail for me?
I understood everything up to “base-52 it.”
I understand how converting base-10 to base-52 works, but that doesn’t include alphabetical characters. What are you converting from? Are you numbering A=1, B=2, C=3…?
I find it amusing how often these groups say “No bigotry” in their rules, but make the exception whenever it fits their beliefs. Almost like it’s virtue signalling or something.
Not to mention the predictable “No *phobia”. Which in of itself is intolerance of other views.