I think you may be the most beautiful woman I’ve ever laid eyes on.
I think you may be the most beautiful woman I’ve ever laid eyes on.
It doesn’t load for me :(
Oh wait, are you not a US voter? If not, I will explain it to you (even though I already did two comments ago). Debbie Wasserman-Schultz runs the Democrat party. It’s one of two political parties in the USA.
Please stop being intentionally obtuse, it’s hella disingenuous. You are obviously experienced enough to know that me shitting on the dems in the DWS era means I’ve been an active lefty for at least a decade.
Edit: lol I forgot to switch from my porn alt for this conversation
Those are great examples! Next time you try to convince someone use positive examples instead of just kvetching, it’s much more impactful.
Also I’ll start calling it the Democratic party after DWS and crew stop rigging the primaries.
What has the Democrat party done for you?
You always manage to brighten my day :)
Wrong character. Ask Tolkien.
We have that in California, it’s great! I haven’t had to navigate a stupid phone cancellation tree in years.
Why would anybody name a food company STD lol
I have used the most expensive microwaves money can buy from Kenmore and GE and honestly the sensor reheat is just always complete shit. Way over or underdone every time. Soup/beverages are the only thing it’s good for. And the popcorn is also perfect every time.
This isn’t some theoretical thing I’m making up. It’s really basic math and physics you should have learned in high school. To do a trip of a few miles you would have to charge for a week. Here is a good explainer with demonstration cars that have been physically built, maybe that will help drive the point home.
No, there is literally only so much energy radiated by the sun in a certain area. The number of square feet of roof on a car is just too small to propel it, even with magic theoretical 100% efficient panels.
Look out for yourself, ignore industry pressure and maintain a healthy weight.
The world is starting to wise up to the fact that online advertising is nearly 100% fraudulent so they aren’t buying online ads as much.