man, that reminded me or r/maybemaybemaybe, I wish this was on here lol
man, that reminded me or r/maybemaybemaybe, I wish this was on here lol
Sauce now! My research demands for it for… research
Hey! I just wanted to let you know for linking something, the [] are supposed for the text and the () are for the weblink address.
instead of being [](link to beta)
it should be link to beta (I put in the address inside [] and the text inside () )
hope that helps!
I think using Lemmy’s own search engine provides all the results that you need and the stuff you’re looking for in all instances rather than using a different engine in my experience.
Maybe try music production professionals, a lot of them tend to use Macs
That is exactly why I avoid getting tomatoes on my burgers in restaurants except for when I cook my own, the homegrown tomato has to be there. I am still shocked at how different the taste is.
In other news, water is wet
Is it possible if you can submit that comment as a post in cause that way the devs could see your thoughts? Or you could submit it as a ticket in the issues tab in lemmy-ui I guess if that’s more convient
I mean for now it seems okay, I took the liberty to checking our your instance to check it out and it seems to be okay imo too but still keep an eye out of bad actors
I just wanted to say, thank you admins and the mods for everything you’re doing! I and the community (I hope) are very grateful for what you guys are doing. Please take your time and remember to take rests as well! If you’re looking for recruiting for another moderator, I am more than happy to be one and I aware that my account is pretty new lol so I don’t if you guys are still looking for moderators or what you guys are looking for. Again, thank you for everything and this community I think is already perfect for me lol.
I think what you can do is take a small subset of users that have registered in your instance and observe their behavior. If you’ve noticed a lot of them are acting in bad faith and in bad behavior then its likely that a lot of the user registrations in your instance are bots. How active are the users in your instance in terms of posting and in commenting?
I agree! There is something that a lot of people haven’t really talked about and its the water mechanic, it seems to be more realistic rather than how in the first CS it was literally like jello lol
Thank you so much! Well I am also figuring that out myself. For me I think the best thing that would bring the most value is to subscribe to those feeds who you’re genuinely interested in like for me I love to keep up on AI/ML research so I have a lot of AI/ML blogs in my RSS feed including the latest news as well. I have also added the Hacker News Daily Digest as well. Link to where I got that one
I think it takes a while to get used to it like I understand where you’re coming from when you said that you get little value out of it. I think it is the matter of who you like to read up on and is in your interests too. If you’re interested in AI/ML, Science and Tech here’s the github link to that optml and you can use Feedly to import that file if you’re interested or just choose the ones you really want to read which is fine too! Github link to those RSS feeds
Edit: I just found out that you can convert your favorite community on Lemmy into an RSS link, just link on the RSS logo right beside the the question mark inside the circle.
It’s going alright! Just been relaxing since I graduated and will start my full-time gig next month, pretty excited about that. I’m also just curating my RSS feed cause I didn’t realize how much I would love them so much lol. Loving Beehaw, lemmy and the lemmyverse in general!
This is awesome I would love it if beehaw considers adding more themes using this one!
The most interesting takeaway for me in this diary was that you can select individual lanes like the one in the video where you’re selecting an individual lane to create a slipway and how the mouse selectively panned over each lane and choose the one that created the said slipway. This is really exciting stuff and I really really hope that they fixed the traffic problems that the first CS game had 😭
you’re right! Thanks for telling me!
Some community suggestions from Reddit that I loved to browse would be amazing if there are communities of them on here at Beehaw:
It’s alright. Just came back to visit my parents and just can’t help but think why is relationship so hard for me for some reason lmao.