• 3 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • I tell myself that taking the first step (of whatever task I’m avoiding) doesn’t mean I have to complete whatever task I’m avoiding. Somehow reminding myself that, for example, taking my socks off doesn’t mean I HAVE to take a shower, gets me over the initial hurdle of resistance. If necessary, I will lie to myself about each step of a task, with full knowledge I’m only saying it to trick myself into doing something. At some point, I decide that I might as well finish (usually).

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    The screenshots make this post confusing for me, lol! Every time I edit I get confused about where to click! Sorry for the poor cropping of the images.

  • It’s a phase, but he will likely need help transitioning through to the next developmental stage. You can help by giving tools to deal with the things he can handle independently and lots of love/empathy for the struggle.

    We found some success combining your current approach with some light use of social stories (telling stories/reading books about others with the same worries, etc). Sometimes it was enough to say things like, “I wake up thirsty too. When I was your age, grandma gave me a special water bottle/cup/whatever works for you. Every night I filled it up when I brushed my teeth and kept it by my bed. Remember the story I told you about the magic flashlight grandpa gave me when it was too dark to go potty by myself? Well, when I was thirsty, I would turn on my flashlight and take a drink out of my special water bottle and I could go back to sleep! Now I’m a grown up, and I still have a special water bottle that I fill when I brush my teeth at bedtime, and I still wake up and take a drink at night when I need to.” Sometimes we would take a special trip to the store and they could pick out their special bottle; sometimes they already had something that would work for the situation.

    I mean, we would have to do several iterations of this, along with a fair amount of just letting them sleep with me at times. When it got rough, I could set up a sleeping area for them to use, but the idea there was they wouldn’t wake me, just be able to feel better by being close. By about 7 yrs all three of our kids were sleeping through 95% of the time. There are still the occasional nightmares, yucky feeling tummies, etc. Maybe it’s more like 98:2 vs 95:5.

  • Look into proprioception; simply put, if you’re unfamiliar, proprioception is essentially the ability to perceive the boundaries of your body/where you are in space and/or in relation to things like furniture, that uneven section of the sidewalk, door frames, other people, etc. Some people have lower proprioception.

    Low proprioception can also result in reduced perception of physical stimulation; this might look like someone who:

    • throws themselves onto the couch,

    • hugs too hard,

    • regularly gives a painfully strong handshake,

    • often talks too loud,

    • drops things frequently, etc.

    It’s already been mentioned that folks on the ADHD and/or autism spectrum are more likely to have low proprioception, so if you see yourself (or as you were as a child, since many descriptions are centered around ways this would present in children) in some descriptions of common experiences of those with low proprioception and also diagnosed with ADHD and/or autism, you may find value in pursuing assessment yourself (this was the case for me, diagnosed at 38). Or you may not.

    Either way (associated with a medical diagnosis or not), proprioception can be improved if there is interest in doing so. For example, movements that cross the body are helpful in increasing awareness of where your body is in space, which can increase awareness of where other things are in space as well. For me this led to not only the anticipated outcome of fewer run-ins with tables, doorframes, etc, but also reduced frequency for things like dropping my keys, knocking over drinks, all forms of spilling on myself, and tripping over stuff.