well YouTube still allows them and u can use return YouTube dislike
car enthusiast
here bc reddit is going to shit
well YouTube still allows them and u can use return YouTube dislike
if i want to own something, vinyl. only exception it an NF CD i got because it was cheap and signed
aside from that, spotify
exactly. hurts reddit without affecting the community a whole lol.
that’s why I hope that some subs go read-only. keeps the information that has been gathered over the last few years, while making it so people mostly don’t interact with it in their feeds anymore
does stylebot work on Firefox and mobile?
i mean most teachers will make you ask, which is more of just letting them know you’re going, bc they’re not gonna stop u unless they’re in the middle of explaining something
i swear, schools will do everything they can to stop you from taking a piss when you need
theres a new one going private every like 5 seconds, and the list of how many are supposed to keeps growing. up to nearly 7k as of rn, so thats 400 more in the past 30 mins
there are a few, such as r/196, but most are only doing it for 48 hours unfortunately.
oh okay. so i guess its still to be decided then?
and here i was, truly believing that they would reconsider. as of right now ~4000 of the planned 6600 subs have gone private, if that isn’t enough then oh well
i guess yeah. although it was funny to see every fourth comment downvotes to shit on r/shitposting