theres a good part in Ready Player One (movie) where the ceo guy is showing how many more ads they can cram imto your field of view and you can still see. Was like 60 or 80% of the visual area. Unfortunately that example is how most advertising heads think. Just cram more and more ads on screen makimg the thing you are trying to do impossible or unusable
Hey, found a YT clip, it was 80% of an individuals visual field before inducing seizures! How exciting
i used one of the above, rambox i believe. Its kinda like what you say abd every tab is its own container with its own cookies etc. I used to use it mostly for work to be logged into 2 or more separate AWS accounts at the same time. If you dont know, without something like ff container tabs, logging into a different aws account in a second browser tab invalidates your session in the first tab