Deleted by accident!
Okay, that’s commitment, there’s material costs with that.
Deleted by accident!
Okay, that’s commitment, there’s material costs with that.
Okay, now that’s commitment, there’s material costs with that.
The phrasing is a bit confusing, but there is an option to add a link to your post. Select that and it’ll let you let you upload a photo. Looks like when you do that, it uploads it to imgur and links to that upload.
Hey, I calls em as I sees em, I’m a whale biologist.
Wait, does that imply “greater” dragons?
Okay. Ever wonder why pigeons bob their heads? It’s so that they can perceive depth. Animals with front facing eyes like ours can tell how near/far something is based on the angle formed by our eyes (called stereopsis). Pigeons, being side-eyed, don’t have that option, so instead they compare the percieved size of things as they bob. Things that are closer will “grow” more than things that are far away.
Look at one thing, then quickly at another (only moving your eyes). You quite literally were blind for a moment there due to saccadic masking: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saccadic_masking
Oh right there`s actual documentation. 😅
I was just wondering this. My guess is that hot is some sort of middle ground between active and new.
Hi Teddy, I love you.
Ah, gotcha! Thanks for clarifying!
Holy crap that was fast! What does it mean for a server to discover a community? I’m guessing that that happens when a user on a server subscribes to a given community?
Thank you so much for this! When searching for communities, do you need to include the @instance bit, or can you simply search !topic if you don’t know where it might be hosted?