Very much so. It’s just so much more convenient with an article. You can quickly browse through it or search for keywords. If you’re not demonstrating something än article is usually better than video imho
Very much so. It’s just so much more convenient with an article. You can quickly browse through it or search for keywords. If you’re not demonstrating something än article is usually better than video imho
Sure, it would’ve been better if they didn’t add a three days head start but I still don’t really think it’s quite the catastrophy everyone makes it out to be.
It just won’t affect me in any way. I don’t rush to max level, don’t care for world’s first and so on.
So, meh, it just doesn’t feel like it’s THAT big a deal.
I just can’t help feeling that this is a tad overblown…
I’m going to buy the expansion and sure it would be nice to be able to play it as soon as possible but I don’t see myself paying extra for that
I dont have a problem with people wanting to though.
I think that was part of why I didn’t care for it all that much. At least no more than it felt like an OK movie.
It felt like it was trying too hard to be too many things and not really excelling at any of them.
Mass Effect