2 years ago@blazera
Inaccurate. To take it back to basics:
Radioactive material radiates, because it decays. The more it radiates, the faster it decays. The highest level radioactive material from nuclear fission reactors has half-life measured in decades (30 years), that is, half of it will decay in that time. It does NOT take thousands of years. Conversely, the long-lived isotopes radiate much less, thus are easier to store and process.
I did not say it was safe, I said after a few decades is far easier to process. It does not remain “crazy” high radioactive for thousands of years - that is pure hyperbole. The chart attached illustrates radiotoxicity if ingested - and no one advises anyone to eat nuclear waste.
Ps. There is a country which has solved long term storage. Guess where I live.
Source: https://www.osti.gov/etdeweb/servlets/purl/587853#