You have made me realize I need to hire a smarter life coach.
You have made me realize I need to hire a smarter life coach.
Oh! You just reminded me. I had some old hotdog water on the stove and I cooked some rice in it. Was delicious. Pretty sure boiling killed any bacteria. So there ya go: a cooking tip in with yer video game comments.
I think it comes from Depression era kids who found a brand that didn’t create cheap junk and so they spread the word. But of course, that has been co-opted by capitalist pirates who buy a brand famous for quality, gut expensive manufacturing with the cheap alternatives and then count on making a profit before word-of-mouth catches up to them.
Sears retailer. Gibson guitars. Off the top of my head. Thousands more examples over the years.
My guess as for why people do it today was because their grandparents or previous generations did that as a survival necessity but now we are seeing the behavior warped from its original purpose. Like opening and raising your right hand to show you had no weapon became a friendly wave hello nowadays. Maybe that’s not an analogous example but you should get the idea.
Good! I’m a US citizen who was raised in US military bases in foreign countries. Allies of the USA need to spend a lot more on their military.
USA people don’t realize that military spending doubly impacts society. Not only did your tax money go to getting a new bomber airplane that a civilian has no use for but the energy and effort that might have been used to create improved railway infrastructure (for example) never happened. After enough generations in relative isolation from other global societies, the populace doesn’t even realize what they are missing out on.
I landed in the middle. SCCS was too old, CVS was too new.
But, back then, I had also been forced to use CMVC.
A 20% reduction is a double decimation.
When I did my first play thru on Xbox 360, and I realized there was no levitation or jumping spells – I can still recall the disappointment. That simple thing was enough for me to not like it as much.
However, going into portals sickened and scared me. I never got over it before I moved on to Skyrim.
Depends on the region. In economically vibrant areas I have seen lots of weird local shops take over the old malls. In slow economy areas, yeah, except for like early voting stations and other rare things it’s all vacant spaces.
Ok. So this is not about a sexual kink or sexual fetish. Got it.
I’m reminded of Deadline an interactive fiction game where you are solving a murder mystery and unless you are in the right place at the right time you will miss some important evidence.
Oh boy do I have bad news for you:
The scale of the micro verse is wilder than you realize
Yeah, so Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher were neoliberals. So, yeah, major parts of Western governments have been headed to this since I was a kid.
Since folks like me don’t know what neoliberal is, from the Wikipedia page on this subject:
Neoliberalism is often associated with a set of economic liberalizationpolicies, including privatization, deregulation, depoliticisation, consumer choice, globalization, free trade, monetarism, austerity, and reductions in government spending.
Diversity Hurt, the bad-girl nepo baby mumble core rapper – who is one of the niece’s of famous actor William Hurt – just dropped a new single No One.
An oldie but a goodie:
Fuck gawd damn, I don’t know who I’m angrier at more: myself or the joke writer.
The humor lies in the dual meaning of the horticultural labor task and the selective bias fallacy having the same idiomatic phrase of “cherry picking”. And that is all there is to the humor.
I lived in a few different states and I’ve never lived some place where folks didn’t have 30 days to vote early and in person. I’m NOT talking about mail in whatever. 30 days! Just drop by. Not crowded. Not a big deal.
Please do the needful
I made the mistake of donating to a candidate once and I’ve gotten never ending spam texts from the Democrat machine ever since and from what I can tell they seem to get a lot more money during things like this where people are outraged at what Republicans are doing.
So it would seem to me that the financial wellbeing of that organization thrives under the current conditions. To actually fix anything is bad for their business.