2 years agoSo far, a small amount. I just upgraded to my busted RPi to a refurb Optiplex 9020 and got brave enough to finally try out Docker 😂
- Calibre
- Portainer
- Home Assistant (a work in progress, having networking issues since that’s where I lack know how)
- Libreddit
- Jellyfin (to replace Plex)
I’ve got it on Tailscale along with my Synology NAS and the rest of my machines.
Love this community for all the ideas and guidance I get looking at other setups!
I feel this pain. Trying to figure out how to get my HomeAssistant docker install to talk to the rest of my network and HomeKit is driving me up a wall. Integrating things by IP address is not fun lol But I know so much more than when I started doing it!