Wireless transmission latency is good enough for pc players connecting to oculus headsets. Besides, if this is just a wishlist, I would hope that nintendo keeps traditional docking as well if you are playing a latency critical game or want to use a pro controller instead of the console itself as the controller.
I loved my wii u and was disappointed when the tablet screen didn’t get used. If it was more successful (as the switch has been and hopefully how the switch 2 will be) then it probably would have been better utilized.
Wireless Dock for dual screen gaming. Make it easier to port those ds, 3ds, and wii u games. I love having inventory and maps more readily accessible.
It was the producer Eiji Aonuma who said that Breath of the Wild was the new template going forward. https://www.eurogamer.net/open-world-zelda-is-a-format-for-the-future-of-the-series-says-producer-eiji-aonuma
My friends and I played and enjoyed Heroes of Hammerwatch, so I would say odds are good that we will pick this up at some point.
Thousand year door is so good. It would be great for more people to be able to play it easily.
GOG has the ultimate version for the same price as the ultimate version on steam ($6.59) if you want it DRM free.
Maybe they should focus on what their user base wants instead trying to be TikTok or whatever is hot this week.
I actually have a Fairchild Channel F in box sitting in a closet. My brother found it at a thrift store and picked it up for me since he knows I like weird retro videogame stuff. I have yet to see if it actually works though.
Brennan is incredible, and that is an entertaining cast. Going to have to watch this with my wife. Kind of surprised Heidi N Closet isn’t joining up. I know she did a one shot with critical role.
They will just have to create a fee to “cover the costs” of having to tell you what they are going to charge you.
Its a Grimasance! I want a purple physical cartridge. It would please our Lord Grimace, may he reign in terror forever.
Pretty similar for me, but I never did Fark. Funnily enough after digg was sold and relaunched I started using the new digg pretty regularly. It isn’t old digg, but it does find and aggregate decent news and entertainment links.
Super Mario kart and the original doom. I can play either of those games at any point and always have fun. There are newer games in both of those series, and I do love them too, but if I want some comfort gaming it’s the originals for me.
If the ability to be a digital nomad had occurred earlier in my life I probably would have gone for it. Now I kind of don’t want to be away from my parents because I know they won’t be around forever. Plus I have a house and other commitments I don’t want to be away from.
I have not watched the show, but I have read the books. Kind of simple, young adult. It doesn’t ask much of you, and didn’t really leave a lasting impression. Great premise though. I also read Sand by Hugh Howey, and can’t for the life of me remember any of it, whereas a lot of people seem to really love it, so maybe I am just the odd man out here.