Same as with type your creds in and hope it just uses to get a token rather than stealing them!
Same as with type your creds in and hope it just uses to get a token rather than stealing them!
I miss the newsthump satire tags
If you haven’t already. White noise is the only way I can sleep. Anything thunder related works for me. Having some sleep headphones playing that means I fall asleep even when trying not to. Without it I can lie awake for hours.
I mostly use the rest client extension for vscode
I’m fine with this. As long as there’s staff by the machines to provide advice and assistance. Although if its going to rain, there should be a roof over their heads. Plus in case a customer gets violent, it would make sense to put up some kind of glass screen too. And maybe a queue system so people don’t bombard them.
So noone will need to post “take my upvote comments”. Seems fine
North of the thames