I’ve been playing the Zelda 2 PC Remake that Twitch user Hoverbat made. I just made it to the final level, the Great Palace.
Creator and host of Radio Free Caemlyn and Super Awesome Fun Time With Rand podcasts. Sound collager. Co-host of Cultdom Collective podcast. Ham radio enthusiast. Phone Loser.
I’ve been playing the Zelda 2 PC Remake that Twitch user Hoverbat made. I just made it to the final level, the Great Palace.
Do Pi-Holes work for this?
Well, I’m lost in this ever-changing burning basement and have to shoot my tears at all these weird enemies and hope I find some good power-ups, and hope I can evade Mom. (Binding of Isaac)
I’ve been wondering if and when this would come to the Switch.
I remember something about Web of Fear episode three, the episode that actually introduced Lethbridge-Stewart, and how Morris had the whole serial but before he turned them over to the BBC episode three somehow vanished.
It’s not on the GBA app yet. At least the first game was announced for the service when they announced GB/GBA for Switch Online, but neither game is available at the moment on that. Hopefully soon.
TIL that there are apparently “scent diffusers “ for the Xbox controllers.
Obligatory “I remember when that was first posted” comment.
I miss the days of messageboards and IRC rooms. Back in the day, Nintendo had a messageboard (the Hyrule Town Square and then the NSider Forums) and I was somewhat active on both of those. I even ran my own messageboard and made some good friends I still talk to to this day on another forum. There was an IRC room I’d hang out in a decade ago before they mostly all moved over to Discord.
I got one of those 8BitDo retro keyboards a while ago, the one with the FamiCom color scheme, and it comes with these two giant “a” and “b” buttons that you can map to macros. You could set one of those to CTRL+C and the other to CTRL+V and just bop either button when you need either function.