I’m not sure if she’s actually pon, or if it’s just first up nerves. I loved her apology press conference.
Her Japanese is too fast for me, but I let out a solid Axel Syrios “ayo?” when I saw that first illustration.
The deal with it glasses in the background sent me. I didn’t expect her to be such a doofus. lol.
Hyde’s artwork of them is so good. Well, Hyde is just so good.
I saw 5th anniversary and I had a minor existential crisis. How has it been that long?
I’m on board with her for everything save the pineapple on pizza… not that pineapple on pizza is bad… it’s just other things are generally better. lol.
I also like a girl who will talk for hours about why she likes Lynn Minmay.
The bit about being loyal, even in old age when their barkers don’t bark too good, actually made me tear up a little (I miss having dogs).
Anyway, I feel like I’ve been emotionally manipulated, but I’m okay with it.
I love Pochi almost as much as I love Pako, so I thought I’d make a post.
On the EN side it was Sana… she sounded like someone I knew when I was younger and it was super comforting just listening to her talk.
After her graduation I hooked into Fauna. I’m not into ASMR, but her gaming streams are so good (she’s kind of like a Hololive Northern Lion if that makes sense). She’s so quick witted and so engaging.
On JP side it’s probably Haachama. I live in her back catalog though, watching old vods. The more I think about it, the harder it gets for me to pick. I have an unusual fondness for Roboco, Towa, Subaru, Nenechi, Botan… I’ll always make time to watch Luna play the electone… I don’t know. I like them all a lot.
The ID girls are great too, I love Kaela, but she’s so much of a time sink. Kobo’s collabs are hysterical.
For the boys it’s Izuru, Astel and Vesper. I loved Fuma debut era, his original rap verses were amazing and the Shanti cover was great, but I feel like his hasn’t leaned into it even though it’s clearly a standout skill.
I’m not sure if there is a good solution. We’re just in the soup. Part of the mess that’s happening is because Reddit can be so good at giving proper answers. In my experience, at least in smaller communities, you have people that care and are curious.
So your question about a DAC is answered by someone who loves audio and bitrates and was into it for months or years before you even knew you’d have the question.
To fix trash search, AI is just chewing up all those old answers in the hope that it’ll be as “smart” about rowing as the woman on the subreddit who rowed for 10 years and coached for 5 and gave thoughtful answers to some college kid.
We’re in the middle of a… a something. And everything will just be shittier for a minute. The algorithms will feast on what’s buried in Reddit and become “smart” enough to give a passable answer, but then we run into the issue of new “smarts”… I don’t think AI will be able to generate new “smart” of any value. It’ll need to be trained by people and who knows if there will be dedicated people pouring info into a new repository.
Raden is… a lot. I’m still trying to figure out how this isn’t just a regular JP gen.