2 years agoI haven’t been across a lot of the discussions, but if this continues to grow and donations increase, have there been talk of founding a non-profit?
I haven’t been across a lot of the discussions, but if this continues to grow and donations increase, have there been talk of founding a non-profit?
I agree with most of what others have said especially walking. On top of that I’d recommend breathwork. It’s odd our society focuses so much on health and fitness in any areas but now how we breath. A recent study found that 5 minutes of breathwork or meditation has a signifinant reduction in stress.
Study: https://honehealth.com/edge/health/physiological-sigh-andrew-huberman/
Video from one of the guys who conducted the study: https://www.google.com/url?q=https://m.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DrBdhqBGqiMc&sa=U&ved=2ahUKEwid2uyujdL_AhUSCDQIHTkJB5sQFnoECAIQAg&usg=AOvVaw1h4Aoj5PyHbJtO3kuGflAX