It’s Ratatui together with rust library ratatui-image
It’s Ratatui together with rust library ratatui-image
Well, if you’re so desperate… :D The code is located at github.com/intuis/lemmynator, but I didn’t commit the changes that I did today yet so it may look a little bit different and I think the default config is a little bit off. With that said, have fun!
Added to my TODO list!
Thanks, but it’s written in Rust so it’s perfect and 100% bug free :) Kidding of course, I just would rather release this client after I’m done with super boring things like caching the JWT, polishing up the config file and readme. But thanks for the enthusiasm :D. I hope to be done with the first release by the end of the year
Thanks for the suggestion :D
Yup, old Chromebooks are great. I got mine used for 180PLN (45USD), and I’m using it to connect to my computer at home via SSH to do some work there whenever I’m bored at school. The battery life is awesome and the laptop itself is great for whenever I want to test my code on it (different distro and lower specs). Though the firmware is a little weird because it doesn’t want to boot off the sd card, however I can imagine mounting /usr or something on it as a dirty hack over this.
you didn’t link the community :|
When you’re done it’d be cool to have it posted on reddit’s unixporn for some solarpunk propaganda
Well, the software would have to change first
I just watched it, and I enjoyed it even more than Woman at War. Thanks
It’s a community, [email protected]
I have to just be sure that you at least know about demicrosofted VS Code, VS Codium
No one is going to develop exploits only for a browser with certain default security options disabled (especially these made at compile time using toolchain). Binary exploitation is hard, and extremely not worth the effort in this case.
Yeah, it’s been becoming the new normal recently. There’s this TUI file manager called Yazi that came out not so long ago and has an excellent support for graphics and manga-tui that released this year which is a terminal manga reader (and without images it would be useless). Theoretically you could even play videos in the terminal at least 10 years ago: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hqMh47lYHlc