When would you not use two stages? Is it an option to leave the dirty soapy dishwasher on there?
When would you not use two stages? Is it an option to leave the dirty soapy dishwasher on there?
I was going to comment that I really liked the radishes on them. I’ll do that next time
It has come back. Say anything negative about MSG on Reddit and you’ll be accused of being a racist. That said, msg is pretty great.
What is the point of meaningless social niceties? Does anyone actually enjoy these encounters?
Oh! Good! I’m glad to hear that.
Oh! I know about data types a little already. Why are languages moving away from strict data typing? That’s very disappointing to hear. Which languages were you thinking about? Will they at least let you configure the compiler to use strict data types in the future?
My husband is a programmer. I really love when he tells me about a cool way he solved a problem at work. You could tell me! But I reckon your friends would be more interested than you would think.
I just talk about my stupid interests all the time. Do you all not do that?
Aww. I really love vegetal flavours.
I like it all day long! Even in the summer.
I think not having tattoos is cool, since I think most people get them now. What about tea? Do you like tea? Coffee makes me jittery as hell and much too talkative, so I don’t drink it too often. But green tea is perfect.
Maybe you just don’t like dill. You could try making some with other stuff in it!
Why would I want to like something if I don’t like it? I really don’t understand this question.
Also piss kidneys
Yes, I definitely do
I love it. The crunchy gristle is the best part!
Hey, cool. I never knew what to do with my sumac. I can’t wait to try the eggs. Anymore sumac suggestions?