My city has a couple mom-and-pop type businesses doing it, I’d hazard a guess it’s similar elsewhere - never heard of any ‘big name’ outfits doing it on any real scale.
My city has a couple mom-and-pop type businesses doing it, I’d hazard a guess it’s similar elsewhere - never heard of any ‘big name’ outfits doing it on any real scale.
As far as I can tell, you are logged into both; if you vote or reply or save a post, it will do so on the account of the instance you’re browsing from. Now this can be confusing, because you can be looking at a post on lemmy.world through lemdo.id and upvote it on there, then if you browse through lemmy.world you can upvote the same post again with that account.
I personally try to avoid upvoting the same thing through multiple accounts (I have this one, but sometimes browse through beehaw) but it doesn’t seem like there’s any protections against doing so right now
I hadn’t seen that video before, but it’s not quite what I’m looking for; it seems that video was made while they were still working on the project, and they were looking for a way to “get it out into the world”. Is there a sort of post-mortem analysis of what the project achieved / is still achieving now?
Excited for this one - lots of great memories from the first Helldivers
Considering PlayStation lives and breathes their exclusives, it would be insane for him to really say anything else no matter how much it pisses him off.
Is it worth going back to the original PS1 Tomb Raider if I played through Anniversary already?
Most games I can think of have been mentioned, but I found Signalis to be an interesting experience assuming you can get past the annoying inventory management
Well yes but have you considered that the game is fucking amazing
The Verity COVAS from Elite Dangerous
Tribes Ascend was amazing; I think it might have been towards the end of the game’s popularity, but I loved that they sold a pack to skip the F2P grind progression entirely (kinda like getting a GOTY version a couple years later)
I haven’t used them in a while, but I used to go to Calgary Computer Wholesale