This blood is flowing through a warped mind.
Omg… I’m a dummy. Thank you, stranger!
OK… I guess I’m an idiot… Where is the pre-reg on the playstore?
My first printer was a creality cr6 (kickstarter edition), and it’s been absolutely fantastic. I use my printer to solve problems mostly by designing my own parts for things. My printers really are tools to me. My cr6 doesn’t get used a lot, but I turn it on, run the auto level, and hit print. I’ve printed roughly 2000 hours with it, and I’ve had one jam, and zero failed prints (I’ve stopped a couple for various reasons, but I’ve never walked in to find a spaghetti mess). I upgraded to the community firmware, a dual drive extruder, and capricorn. Also, I print almost exclusively in PLA.
My second printer is a kingroon kp3s. I’ve printed very few parts with it. I got it as a toy, and plan to install klipper and just be able to print fast. I like the small for factor, direct drive, and linear rails. It’s a decent printer, but it’s not as “easy” as my cr6 (no ABL, and my bed seems to have a high spot right in the middle). The prints I’ve printed for testing are small, and the quality has been really good. I just haven’t had a lot of time to play with it and really dial it in.
All this said… I’d by a mk4 in a split second for my use case. Again, as a tool that I turn on every few months, prusa is a known workhorse. My only complaint with my cr6 is it’s slow… And the mk4 would take care of that.
I echo these exact thought, except it was sync for me. Without question the most used app, always first to be installed a new phone, and had the designated spot on the home screen.
Makes me sad where things are going.
Couldn’t agree more!! I’d absolutely love to have sync back!
I am ALL for this!! I was a sync pro user for years!! Miss that app now that I’m done with reddit.
Reading your comment, a fully agree it’s very unlikely…
But it’s the narrative I want to be true. Lol
Thanks for the input. Yeah, my research has been more linux specific. My feeling was that Intel would perform well under linux, but browsing around most of what I’ve been finding are posts from a year ago, and nothing more current. I’m assuming that the cards (and more specifically driver support) would only get better in time (assuming it’s not the next optane… haha).