If this sort of thing didn’t happen, you would just have claimed that seeing the dictionary entry makes you not hungry. (Original meaning of sad in Old English, cognate with German satt which still has this meaning.)
If this sort of thing didn’t happen, you would just have claimed that seeing the dictionary entry makes you not hungry. (Original meaning of sad in Old English, cognate with German satt which still has this meaning.)
Samsung had a smart watch with a curved screen and a 3g modem in 2014 (the original Gear S). I guess it didn’t work out.
Humans have always been this way. There’s a hill in Rome that’s basically a 2000 years old garbage dump (Monte Testaccio). The Romans even had the ability to recycle their amphoras… but not those ones.
It’s not related to Windows or Linux, but as the article notes, Apple devices that use UEFI are not vulnerable (and current ones don’t use it anymore and therefore aren’t vulnerable either), so I guess that’s where the “Windows or Linux” comes from.
The first Dragon’s Dogma had a ton of small DLC too, so this isn’t exactly new. They even sold rift crystals. I guess a lot of players don’t realize how much DLC it was because the later editions and the ports came with most of it included.
Lightning has two data lanes and this cable looks like it’s missing one of them. IIRC devices can use either lane depending on orientation of the plug so that would explain why data transfer was working for you. Does it stop working if you rotate the plug?
Pretty much everybody in this thread who is laughing at Amazon’s drones is thinking of drones as they are right now. But Amazon is not using drones because it’s a good idea now. They’re using drones now so they already have the experience and the setup when inevitable technical progress happens.
The drones might never work out or they might eventually work out, but this is exactly how Amazon got so big in the first place. They started selling books online when a lot of people still weren’t sure whether that could work and they started selling cloud computing almost ten years before anyone else thought to do that.
Amazon is not quite as dominant in Japan. Rakuten is still alive.
Comparing to macOS is actually impossible because fde can’t be turned off on Macs at all. Macs (and iPhones etc.) handle encryption of internal storage transparently in hardware at pretty much no overhead and without the CPU even having access to the key. You can only choose whether a login is required for the Secure Enclave hardware to be able to access the key.
On other platforms it’s pretty much a hardware question too. PC vendors and hard disk vendors could do the same thing Apple is doing regardless of whether the OS is Windows or Linux or whatever. How fast the OS based encryption is only matters on hardware that doesn’t have this functionality.
The T2 chip is only in Intel Macs. ARM Macs have the Secure Enclave too but it’s part of the main SoC, not a dedicated chip.
If you need python 3 there’s also graalvm but its python support is still “experimental”.
I thought maybe they just deleted it, since they’re pretty restrictive. E.g. they ban Japanese instances too because “they can’t moderate it”. But I can’t find anything, and it’s odd that it would show up as a foreign community if it was deleted.
I don’t think you need an optimal spanning tree. Proxying messages is basically just how Usenet works. You peer with a small number of other servers each party forwards messages in groups the other party is interested in.
As someone who used to run a Usenet server (20 years ago), I don’t think it’s a better system. The extra hops add a lot of questions related to moderation, filtering, censorship, trust, responsibility for forwarded content, and so on.
My understanding is that if an instance suddenly dies, all the federated instances that subscribe to its communities will still have the text content because they store copies locally. So knowledge should not just go away. Media is a different story though.
I think new posts/comments in those communities would then not federate at all anymore since the host instance would not acknowledge them. So the communities turn into isolated local ones.
If the host instance comes back and the communities are re-created, they’ll be empty on the host instance but I think other instances won’t delete the old content unless explicitly requested.
On iOS swiping from the sides works for back/forward.
On the macOS 14 preview, the app gets back/forward menu items with keyboard shortcuts.
In 2004 I was still running a Usenet server. Online games were run by the community too. I spent so much time on MUDs.
It seems like now we are in this cycle where someone builds something shinier and fancier, it briefly becomes the next best thing, and then they find out it can’t make money (or just survive) unless it becomes significantly worse, and then the next best thing appears. But because of all the steps back there is little real progress. Lemmy too is, functionally, not that different from Usenet. It has pictures and votes and is generally more modern. But what I see highlighted in contrast to reddit is that it’s distributed. Like Usenet. It’s not supposed to be a breakthrough but after reddit it feels like one.
I’m not sure how much sense it makes to complain that an AI chat bot collects so many categories of data and then highlight “user input”, which it obviously needs to function? Like how is something like DeepSeek the “middle ground” if that’s what the author thinks is the biggest problem with it? When I look at DeepSeek on the app store, it does list at least “coarse location”, so why not highlight that? DeepSeek can’t answer my questions about e.g. “restaurants nearby”, unlike e.g. ChatGPT, which comes up with a map. So that’s what I would be interested in, what DeepSeek uses my location for.
Although just in principle this kind of analysis rarely finds surprises.
If you can enter text or click on things in an online app, obviously it collects user input.
If it can refer back to previous answers, obviously it retains chat history.
If it can process pictures, obviously it collects photos if you upload any.
If it can be interacted with using voice, obviously it collects audio.
If it can answer questions about things near you, obviously it will use location data.
If there are IAPs, it better not forget that you bought those, too.
And so on.