It’s a game. In the UT mode you can use players in your team that have long been retired or dead. You have cards that make up crazy what ifs scenarios, like what if Ronaldo was a center back or Messi a right back (don’t know if those cards actually exist but you get the point). You can make crazy teams that are completely unrealistic. Now they are expanding that with women.
I don’t see the issue personally. I just played it for fun and to make crazy teams. My front line right now is Leao, Raúl and Mahrez. Wouldn’t mind changing Mahrez for Beath Mead just for fun. 🙂
I listen to a couple of gaming podcasts for news. Mainly the podcasts by Last Stand Media. They do a PlayStation one called Sacred Symbols, an Xbox one called Defining Duke and a Nintendo one called Punching Up. I enjoy all of the quite a bit.
They’re all free to listen to, so you can check them out to see if you’re into them.