I wrote an article with my thoughts on running mysteries here:
I wrote an article with my thoughts on running mysteries here:
I put my top tips here after about 15 years of collecting the best tips from hundreds of GMs:
The OSR podcast Between Two Cairns does critiques of old school adventures.
I’d love a go at Crown and Skull by Runehammer. It looks really interesting. I’d like to play it before I run it and, frankly, just don’t have the time.
Here’s some data on the topic!
Question: This is a poll for D&D DMs and RPG GMs. Do you primarily play online or in person?
YouTube poll posted 18 April 2023 on YouTube, 2,900 respondents.
Response % of total Primarily online 41% Primarily in person 46% Both roughly equally 13%
Also some advice for in person maps:
This article may help: https://slyflourish.com/getting_started_with_dnd.html
As a guy who used Twitter extensively for more than a decade and had over 40k followers, I can tell you it went from a great place to promote one’s RPG work to a terrible place just about overnight back in 2020 or so – just about the time users focused on algorithmic sorting of tweets over the timeline.
I was lucky to get 400 people to click a link and maybe one would buy something. Engagement was shot.
Luckily I found the social media platform of the future – email! It’s a network I control, can move to the service of my choice, and lets me directly connect with those who expressed interest in what I make.
I’m glad I started building up my email list a few years ago. It takes time but it’s worth it.
I feel like a lot of creators on Twitter simply can’t let go even though the network isn’t the same as all anymore.
I think they’d work fine. You found the icons on gameicons?
These are awesome!!
I’ve been using the Tome of Beasts 1 2023 edition for a few sessions now and I love it.
I just played Shadowdark and my players and I found it refreshingly simple to play. I did a video about it here:
Hi there! I have a couple of articles that may help:
I usually try to drop in one scene or situation along the way usually at the site of a notable landmark. You can roll randomly for the landmark and maybe two groups. Maybe they’re fighting. Maybe one group already beat the other group. Maybe they’re friendly. Just a situation to expose something about the world and it’s history and people.
You can also use it as an opportunity for campfire tales. Ask each player ahead of time to think about what their character thinks of what they’ve done so far and where they’re going. Have each player share their thoughts during a long rest along the journey.
Finally, if the characters are traveling anywhere with risk you can define some traveling roles like who is scouting, who is trailblazing, and who is provisioning. Have them roll checks on these jobs to give you some interesting ideas about what might happen along the journey.
Great stuff! I’ll experiment with it and see how I can get better results. I’ve already been using the turbo-16k so I can feed large blog articles back to it. I also need to find a way to limit the total tokens coming out to ensure the summaries don’t get to long sometimes.
Thanks so much for the post!
Close! It’s my wife and I now 😀
Really fun video. Getting a consistent group together is probably the hardest part of running a game. If you can enjoy a game with even as few as one or two players, that can work well.
I use a few tricks to keep groups going:
That’s helped me keep multiple groups going for ten years with one group consistent for about 20 years.