Modular’s Mojo might interest you - it just popped up in my news feed, it’s entirely a coincidence.
Others has answered the specific cases where TTM is paramount.
When time is less of an issue, in my experience it’s in no particular order a mix of:
All in all, instead of short term profit, it’s a lack of not-so-long term vision and engagement from everyone involved. They just don’t care.
Yeah, I’m the one in charge of fixing the mess, why you ask?
Your question is a bit vague but it looks to me that what you want is some sort of expert system of inference engine.
There might be some open source solutions, and there’s always the GNU Prolog language that might suit your needs.
I suspect that you won’t get a graphviz structure out of it though.
On a side note, w.r.t. keeping the dependencies up to date, have a look at renovatebot. It creates merge request for each and every dependency update, thus triggering a build to check that everything is OK.
We went from a computational tool serving a wide range of tasks to an entertainment widget barely more interactive than a TV were work is an afterthought.
The former was expected to not get in the way of their users, the latter is designed to retain attention as long as possible to maximize consumption
Given the state of this world, there’s better things to do than to add such gimmicks in EV. There’s enough energy and matter wasted in useless widgets to at least spare the new generation of such stupidity. I could get behind a new kind of recycled ICE vehicles, operating on captured-carbon fuel and paid at a premium for those who need to love the rumble of a well-tuned engine, but that should stay a fringe hobby.
Time’s for a compromise on the length of the fuse is over, we, as a whole, should be focussing on preventing the climate bomb to do too much damages to humans.
Or maybe we should double down, extract and burn even more fuel, produce and discard even more plastic, without forgetting to have it circle five times the Earth before before it hands in the customers’ hands: it wouldn’t be the first mass extinction and the planet will get through. Us humans, though…
Nice idea! Moreso that despite software-related AI seems to be more and more opensourced, it really looks to me that it’s seriously lacking on the hardware side. Opensource code running on proprietary hardware is a good start, but we’d all be better if it was open and public through and through.
Conjugaisons. Imparfait du subjonctif. 'nough said!
Try French: same written word pronounced differently depending on its meaning - that might only deduced from context, differently written words pronounced the same - and having different meaning, obviously… and there’s always poetic license if you wish to muddle things a bit more!
The example is more of an issue with using the right tool for the job: using classes inheritance and overloading would properly deal with the employee/manager/c-suite distinction.
Each and every line of code you write is a liability. Even more so when you wrote it for someone else. You must always be able to rebuild it from source, at least as long as your client expect the software to work. If you feel it’s not worth it, you probably low-balled the contract. If you don’t want to maintain code, have the client pay a yearly maintenance fee, give the code and the responsibility to maintain it to your client at the end of development, or add a time limit to it’s support.
There’s no “maintenance mode” software: either it’s in use and must be kept updated with regard to it’s execution environment, or it’s not used anymore and can be erased and forgotten. Doing differently opens too much security issues, which shouldn’t be acceptable for us all as a trade.