@P1nkman well that will be interesting to see.
@P1nkman well that will be interesting to see.
Yeah works for me.
Membership of the #EU is a long term project with many intermediate steps. Some decided they are fine with a certain step and stay on it(Norway) some decided to get off completley(Iceland) and some decided to get out after they were in(UK). Though I admit brexit was, unnecessarily, bitter the rift is healing and we enjoy good relations with all.
Tough I’d welcome Canada into the union I dont think either side fully grasp how deep and wideranging ascension would be. Regardless I’m perfectly fine with a customs union if thats what #Canada wants.
@Flamekebab @czer0_ Disobedient orphans
@TheFeatureCreature @noxypaws I think Finland is a good model, also for other European countries. Western European countries especially could do with some societal resiliance and militancy.
@NotSteve_ Well thr US infact did do that. Remember that big ISIS attack on a moscow concert hall about a year ago?
Edit: seems like a lifetime ago
@NotSteve_ I agree. I Just dont think letting baby’s die is the correct answer. I mean fuck the fucking fucks. But that does not include the little ones.
@NotSteve_ Because someone blowing himself up at a daycare is evil
@cupcakezealot @CircaV Except for impending terrorist attacks. Otherwise I agree.
@Shadow @breakfastmtn The uncertainty itself will wreak havoc. Either he doesnt know, doesnt care, or uses it in lieu of viagra
I recentely deleted all my meta accounts. Still a few weeks until its permanent.
The Hybrid War really ramps up close to an election. We’ve had some pretty serious attacks during a the last elections. Germany held and Romania as well. Though the latter had to take some really serious action. Hopefully your security services can keep a lid on it.
@MyBrainHurts oh yeah absolutly, it fits a patern.
@A_A The site you linked doesnt show but iirc the Rafaele is capabele of carrying a nuclear payload and the Eurofighter isnt.
@MyBrainHurts @x00z yeah its a harsh lesson here in Europe as well. But a Trump that was slightly more patient and subtle would have been far more dangerous for us all.
@Arghblarg @badwetter The Hybrid War continues
Yeah we feel that issue as well. Hindsight being what it is we should have bought the Rafaele
@eestileib @LeFantome Those are rookie numbers. You got to tank those numbers further!
I know people who have sold their Tesla(proud of you) but not everyone can afford a new car. Especially if the resale value plummets. People buying NEW Tesla though…
@Yoga @HellsBelle That must explain why I failed as a billionaire.