It’s a grow’er, not a show’er.
It’s a grow’er, not a show’er.
I’m going to strangle them.
That’s true, the stats I threw out don’t include girth. It is important to choose a condom that fits appropriately. Measure if you need to =)
No, because it doesn’t matter.
Out of 1,000 men roughly 18 of them will have a penis that is 7 inches or more.
Basically, 1% of men (one man in a crowd of one hundred) have a 7-8 inch penis. 0.6% have 9 inches, and 0.2% have more than 9 inches. 1.8% = 18 out of a thousand.
The human penis usually stops growing between the ages of 18-21.
The average penis size differs from country to country, but here’s a few:
France - 6.2 inches • Sweden - 5.9 inches • Germany - 5.7 inches • USA - 5.3 inches • China - 5.1 inches
Coincidentally, on average women (when polled) have responded that their “ideal” partner’s size is around 6 inches.
Links work fine on Jerboa
If the community is on a different instance I have heard there is a bit of a delay while things synchronize. I may be wrong, but I read something about that yesterday.
Interesting, I tried it again - but this time didn’t select a language in the drop-down and it posted in the normal 2-5 range. Not sure if coincidental or issue.
Edited the post and selected language from the drop-down and posted (updated) fine.
This. One thousand percent - this.
We are ground floor. Be active! Make this the community you want it to be!
Commencing ignore.
What hardware is this? (Sorry if I’m completely out of the loop)
There is an app for Android and a TestFlight for iOS
(First post…yay!)
Edit: added iOS link
Ugh…AI generated