@proudblond thank you! it’s a strange state of being. Super enjoying some small things though - like this slipper, or a really good cup of tea.
Renaissance woman in training | Pollmaker des Vaderlands | Vuurtorenevangelist | Relatietherapeut voor databases | Kaneelbroodjesinfluencer | “Zonde van mijn schermtijd” | speelt #postCovidHetBordspel
@proudblond thank you! it’s a strange state of being. Super enjoying some small things though - like this slipper, or a really good cup of tea.
@proudblond several months now, so I’m a third generation long covid you could say :)
@tehlaughing1 ah yes! Oh there are some FUN patterns. I follow her on Insta but seeing them all together like this is quite something!
@tehlaughing1 I was convinced she did but it seems she only has one on Ravelry!
@tehlaughing1 you might like the style of Native Knitter or Tsinbikeeknits
@kurobita wearing a pair right now! They’re super warm because you effectively have two layers of yarn.
oh, pro tip: get wool that’s a bit rustic, like Shetland or Norwegian or whatever is sticky/grippy around where you live. SO MUCH easier than, like, superwash merino if you’re starting with colourwork.
@kurobita fair isle is a subset/implementation of stranded colourwork, so you can safely go with the latter and knit your heart out :)
@kurobita if you want to do fair isle, you could look at the Shetland Wool Week hats, they’re super fun! Hazel Tindall designed a couple of them and she has many more patterns for small projects.
@kurobita do you want stranded colourwork in general or actual fair isle? If the first, you could start with mittens or a hat, like https://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/starkin (you could start with just 2 colours)
@kurobita Definitely steel. Sometimes I use bamboo for super slippery yarn but I almost always change them for the steel ones at some point.
@Ramenator I think sewing is the best way to get a neat finish in many cases
@weirdsquid not quite there yet, but I’m thinking about doing different patterns on the sleeves so two times two-at-a-time seems more logical. Although now I’m thinking about doing them four-at-a-time anyway just because I (think I) can!
@kurobita They look super fun! And I love your point protectors 😍
@thegiddystitcher yes I had a knitless week as well. That’s how my manager knew it was serieus 😂
@thegiddystitcher awww Covid solidarity right back! I feel fine, just so tired all the time and screens give me a headache. Not practical if you’re a software engineer… hope you’re feeling better too.
I was unnerved by this sweater because there’s so much shaping in the yoke and I more or less guessed at it. It came out better than I ever hoped for 🥰
@Ensign_Rutherford very handsome!
@neonred thank you! I will have to. It wants to be taken out :)
@Emotional_Series7814 the book says “wrap the yarn”, that’s English. Continental would be picking the yarn with your right needle.