They/them | 20 | Disabled | Ask me about puppets, I love puppetry and animation
Love the flexibility tbh. If I want to switch manufacturers my OS is the same Also much cheaper + I just love the app selection and the ability to put my own apps on here.
iOS is too restrictive for me and too expensive tbh. The ability to switch default apps is amazing. That said this is just for me tbh
This seems dumb, but I am having the inverse issue on some communities. I can see undetermined languages fine, but English comments or posts aren’t showing up for me even with both selected, any ideas from anyone. I had to have picked something wrong but I’m not sure
Its so frustrating finding out about a symptom I’m struggling with, and I try to look it up and its all aimed at kids. Even if its all targeted at kids, those kids will grow up and become adults, and still have the same issues and I don’t understand why.
I think you’re right with the whole grow out of it thing. It fundamentally won’t for any of my ND stuff, I will just get better over time at managing, but its hard to do that when there’s no support. It’s like the phrase “stop making autism your whole personality”, no I cannot do that because fundamentally it affects everything.
TLDR: I agree and I hate how resources are aimed at NTs despite the fact that we are autonomous adults, and even then kids need to feel like you understand and aren’t just talking at them.
This sounds like me so much. I was one of those kids who loved reading and was reading way above my level but couldn’t write for shit. Same with the analog vs digital, doesn’t matter how much I practice it still takes me a solid 30 seconds to do all the “math” in my head to read analog unless I use it regularly. I swear the more I hear from other neurodivergents, the more I go, wait a second…
Same. The crashing made me switch but Liftoff is working great!