• 5 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 23rd, 2023


  • A lot of the reason I’ve put off buying a bike is that most of the bike lanes were either nonexistent or painted ones that abruptly ended whenever there’s an intersection. I personally knew a little kid who got hit riding through the neighborhood, and whoever hit him sped off. Luckily he survived, but he very easily could have died if they hit him at a higher speed. Drivers just normalize being impatient way too much nowadays (especially after the pandemic) that you can’t trust people to obey things like painted lines. You need barriers, even if they’re cheap temporary solutions.

  • It can be funny but it’s honestly more emotional than you might expect. It’s really more of a drama. That being said, the jokes make it easier because the setting is really gloomy.

    Also, don’t think about the science too much going in. These are classic zombies that just became more human through medicine. They haven’t even really found out why they came back, only a way to treat it. The medicine hadn’t even been around long enough to know what happens to the patients longterm. Also, the fictional medicine is not very subtle in the fact that it almost sounds like a real antidepressant. (Neurotriptyline vs nortriptyline)

  • In The Flesh is a zombie show about what happens after they develop a cure for zombism and reintegrate them back into society. Unlike most modern zombie settings, “Partially Deceased Syndrome Sufferers” are your classic “crawling out of the grave” type of undead that aren’t capable of spreading it through bites. Instead, if they eat a person, that person just dies. On top of this, they only know how to treat it through an injectable medicine, but many physical effects of dying are permanent and they are capable of reverting back if they go off of their meds or take a drug called Blue Oblivion. Underneath their makeup and contacts, they still look like corpses. This leads people to be very cautious around PDS sufferers because they’re unsure if they’re taking the meds properly or worse- not absorbing them. There are also a group of people called the HVF who used to actively fight the undead who are now adjusting to both civilian life and also the fact that the enemy is now considered human. They don’t get much action anymore with the exception of catching the few untreated undead that still roam around in the wilderness and bringing them in for the reward.

    The show follows Kieren Walker as he returns to his family after years of being dead from a suicide at 18. His younger sister, Jem, was a member of the HVF and found him and another zombie eating her girlfriend, Lisa. Jem couldn’t bring herself to kill either of them, and this led to them both being able to be treated. However, she struggles with the guilt that she could have done something to stop him from killing Lisa and is initially hostile towards him when he returns home. To complicate things, his old “hunting buddy” finds Kieren and introduces herself as Amy. She’s an outspoken hippie who tries to seem like she doesn’t care about what people think and believes people should get used to the situation. She also doesn’t cover herself up with the makeup and contacts, while Kieren can’t stand to look at himself without them.

    There is a group called the Undead Liberation Army who are first introduced to Kieren by his roommate while he was still in the facility. They live on a commune like peaceful hippies, but are extremist in their beliefs and want to cause the Second Rising to get revenge on the living. They are also creators of Blue Oblivion, the drug that can temporarily revert the user back into a predatory state before it wears off. They use it to coordinate terrorist attacks on the living, and his old roommate in the facility took the drug to attack the staff.

    On the polar opposite side to the Undead Liberation Army, there is a political party called Victus who was formed in opposition to reintegrating the undead back into society. They gain political control over the town, and push an already hostile environment even further.

  • Ever since the pandemic, I wanted a multiplayer skateboarding game where the social aspects of it are just as important as the mechanics so you can hang out with your friends and skate in a way that feels authentic to doing it in real life. Instead of having a plain multiplayer lobby, you could have an apartment you could decorate that you guys could hang out in before you pick the map. You’d be able to sit on your skateboard or chairs and benches to get out of the way-or also to be an obstacle if you wanted. It would also be pretty cool to edit a map in real-time by having some items be movable by the players, like kickers. The maps would vary between skateparks, street skate spots, and DIY spots that have been modified to be more skateable. There could be a couple NPCs you could skate with if you don’t have any friends online, but they would be more predictable in how they behave. There could also be NPCs that are purely obstacles, as well.

  • There’s one in my city I’ve been wanting to try, though it definitely has a reputation of being a really hipstery type of place.

    Personally, my ideal bar would be a regular bar with a sizable non-alcoholic selection. (At least 3 different NA beers, a virgin margarita, a virgin strawberry daiquiri, a Shirley Temple, a virgin Screwdriver aka Orange juice + club soda, and some sparkling grape juices.)

    Focusing exclusively on people that don’t drink might not bring in enough customers unless you decide to make it an all-ages music venue or something like that.