Letterboxd is pretentious, which is a good way to find ✨cinema✨, but if you just want to turn your brain off and watch an Adam Sandler movie or something, letterboxd is not the platform to look at reviews
Letterboxd is pretentious, which is a good way to find ✨cinema✨, but if you just want to turn your brain off and watch an Adam Sandler movie or something, letterboxd is not the platform to look at reviews
Xiaomi makes Android phones, what would they get out of trying to make iPhones look better.
Most likely explanation is the voltage difference people have mentioned
Played the demo on steam, and the games were really fun. This pack feels a little different in that the couple of demo games were very “oh wow we could actually sit down and play this game” vibes vs. Just a quick thing to throw on in the background of a party.
I try not to just reverse decisions I end up not liking, but I’ll tell you what I’m a goddamn adult with minimal game time and I’ll be damned if I’m going to restart because I accidentally clicked on the wrong thing or decided to pick a very stupid fight.
It’s going to take me forever to get through the game as is, I don’t need to add all that extra overhead.
Ok boomer
I have indeed. We even practice pure TDD and won’t accept PRs without test coverage, but it doesn’t change the fact that sometimes bugs happen, and when they do it tends to be much more effective to work through the problem with a debugger than make guesses at what things need to be logged, or poked into or whatever.
If what you’re doing works for you, more power to you, but in my opinion I’d never give up a tool in my toolset because it makes me far more productive than I’d be without it.
I feel like you’re missing out on a ton of awesome features by not using a debugger? Step backs are super useful, inline/live commands save you from re-running the code to see a different value, you can change values on the fly.
And it’s nice to say “think about your code more” but when you’re working with large teams, on legacy codebases, you don’t often have the opportunity to “think about your code” because you’re trying to decipher what someone wrote 3 years ago and they don’t even work with the company anymore.
My lemmy usage is about to increase significantly. Thank you so much!
Its wild to me that some people hear “your code should be self documenting” and take that to mean “never write comments”.
All self documenting should mean is I can look at a method and get a general understanding of what it does, and it shouldn’t have any unknown functionality. Specific implementations, design quirks, choices that might only make sense if you know business context should all be comments in your code.
On the other side of all that I worked with someone who insisted methods were documented college style, the “authors” name, date it was written, what it does, why it’s here, our star sign. I hate that just as much, so much clutter.
What part of wefwef would cause an issue? Unless the wefwef devs are using visual assets from Apollo that are not free to use, there’s no issue.
You can’t sue someone for… What? The visual placement of buttons? How the animations work? The entire software industry would collapse overnight if we couldn’t re-use design patterns.
My problem with trunk based development is I feel like people treat it as the solution to a problem that is fundamentally a developer culture problem.
You need to commit small changes, frequently, which requires you to only change small sections of the code and make incremental changes, something which can be a difficult habit to get used to.
This is really the main benefit of trunk based development, and it’s something you can get with feature branches as well, you just have to make sure everyone on your team starts reducing scope of their features and merging in smaller and smaller features sets.
There’s nothing inherit in the trunk based development model that stops someone from sitting on changes for a month, never pulling, and then trying to pull and ending up with a bunch of conflicts anyways. So it really feels like “yeah use trunk based development” boils down to “integrate continuously” which can be done with a branching model.
They would still line up, wouldn’t they? Or am I misunderstanding how the texture healing would work… Would they not take the same total amount of space?