It’s pretty wild here now, that’s for sure. I think it wasn’t that bad even on reddit
It’s pretty wild here now, that’s for sure. I think it wasn’t that bad even on reddit
bbcgoodfood.com is another good one I check often
The only way to win with these people is to not play
Get one designated for European market, we have two Samsungs at home at neither of us get autoinstalls or ads
If it’s true that people vote for right wings out of frustration then the tables will turn again at some point because fundamentally most of the voting population have problems with unaffordable housing, low wages, poor healthcare, etc. and these problems are unlikely to be solved by a populist government.
Not sure how lemmy implements this, but I suppose it’s not a trivial task in such decentralized environment. Imagine 10 users from instance A subscribed to instance B and then instance A went permanently down. If B holds number of subscription requests it’s now out of date. If B has to poll every instance it’s federated with it’s additional arguably unnecessary load. So yeah local subscriptions are a low hanging fruit
Yes - LLMs generate content, bots “consume” it. Site owner gets $ for ad traffic.
There’s a cool episode on that topic from Malicious Life podcast - called “Ad Fraud” or link.
FYI looks like registration still doesn’t work - send button spinning, no request in ff network monitor. Tried ff & chrome, gmail and proton. I went with a different server eventually, but you might wanna do something in case this is not intentional
The numbers are self reported by hamas anyway, so the real number is likely even lower than that.