No this would be too troublesome for me, especially because I just wanted to check it out with a friend really quickly. We played it on the pcsx2 emulator and connected via custom IP. Worked great, but sadly the game aged badly and therefore loading times are unbearable. Every door, every major action, and every lost attempt means sitting back and waiting. Lost it’s fun very quickly :/
I have not opened this app in quite some time, sorry for the very late response. If you are still interested, here are my answers:
Performance was great and latency not an issue. It is a slow-paced game, so even if there was some, I would not have noticed it.
The long loading times are the result of the game itself, because it separates nearly everything into its own scene. Also restarting runs takes ages because of all the menus you have to navigate through, but that is also a badly aged design decision, plus the hardware limitations of the ps2 and its unstable network archetucture. The community patch fixed most of the issues of the networking, but it can not speed up the hardcoded transitions and the slow menus.
Hope this gives some helpful insights