I like swords and doing drugs
Live action adaptation of Aria
Shoutouts to “Bob”, gotta be one of my favorite shordurpersavs
yooo, based
It’s a hentai manga but I forgor which one. Maybe I’ll try to find it again later.
rats, rats, we’re the rats
I don’t think the main site is very mobile-optimized, but I prefer it for desktop use.
ooo, really good
Truly, Gentoo is the greatest teacher.
If you use Gentoo, you really get to feel the sins of the bloat through accumulating compile times.
i live for these posts
That is true. I will try to keep your wisdom in mind.
normalize kissing and hugging and cuddling your friends
extremely cool; radical, even
yeah, i been pretty eepy. i guess its nice cause i do sleep better than before.
we can all just be silly little internet users
it doesn’t matter what website we’re on
what is this from?
I’ve been there