A declining nation, still putting on a brave face of over-confidence about its place in the world, citing long-past glories (but don’t you dare get all woke saying that the empire was built on enslaving people to plunder their own resources.)
A declining nation, still putting on a brave face of over-confidence about its place in the world, citing long-past glories (but don’t you dare get all woke saying that the empire was built on enslaving people to plunder their own resources.)
https://www.collaboraoffice.com/nextcloud/ sounds like what you’re looking for. I’ve not tried it myself as I actually like the Google docs/sheets etc offering.
In your cloud sync app, you should be able to ask it to sync your camera folder - I know the nextcloud app asks if you want this, and you can also point it to specific folders to keep in sync.
If your self host cloud doesn’t have an app, just use https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=dk.tacit.android.foldersync.full to sync chosen folders.
Screenshots from Stormy Daniels’ phone.
Apple Mac: it juuuuuust works.
“Tolling was supposed to pay for the Dartford Bridge and then end, which would have been in 2003. However, it became a nice little earner which raises around £70 million a year.”
“Id like an email client with folders or categories.”
I tried a few other email clients to see if I could ditch the gmail one (years ago, admittedly), and where those clients fell short for me was they didn’t support labels, only folders. Multiple labels can apply to one email, but an email can only belong in one folder.
Does anyone know if things have changed, whether third party clients now support gmail labels?
All running 1.10
Omg, thanks for reminding me about Hermit. I had it a few phones ago. I’ve installed it… And images load fine in vger.app - strange that everyone is having different experience with what works and doesn’t.
Same here. Broken in Firefox android, works fine in Chrome android. I’d like to stick with Firefox though, because Chrome. (Whatever the outcome, thank you Voyager dev 😍)
Perplexity.ai has largely replaced Google and Bing for me. It searches the Internet (including reddit), asks for clarification if necessary, then summarises it all with sources cited. The free tier currently gives 5x gpt4 copilot searches per rolling 4 hours. Like most ai chat, it’s less of a search engine, and more an ‘answer’ engine.
As for q and a, reddit, though you’ll have to filter the funny / misleading comments out. Quora is just weird, I don’t like the vibe there.
The ability of my Google Home gadgets to correctly understand speech drops sharply whenever there’s a promo on them - I imagine the influx of new speech patterns from new users tanks the recognition/parsing systems at Google.
My Samsung has the option to save as HEIF. When I want to share that photo, my phone shares the HEIF file which isn’t commonly supported.
An iPhone also saves as HEIF - however, it automatically converts to jpeg when you share. Much smarter, more seamless.
I imagine that there are far fewer people who use RSS now than there were 10 years ago. The rise of social media and shorter attention spans may have something to do with that. Personally, I’m in the RSS cult, using Tiny Tiny RSS.
As others have commented, Nextcloud provide an all-in-one docker set up. I managed to follow the instructions and get it working.
However, in the end, I wanted this to replace my Dropbox subscription, and my files and reliable access to them are important to me. Given that, and my relatively low skill level, I didn’t want to futz with troubleshooting failed updates and server issues, so I just went with a Hetzner storage share, which is their managed nextcloud subscription: https://www.hetzner.com/storage/storage-share
⚡ that light fitting over the pool! ⚡
Dark mode extension for any browser: https://github.com/darkreader/darkreader
We had just one arsehole, now we have two arseholes.
Abolishing IP is all fun until you decide to be a producer, innovator, or creator. Hope you can pay for your groceries with likes and thumbs ups.
A good read about British water companies dumping raw sewage into rivers:
Audio: https://www.theguardian.com/news/audio/2022/aug/15/sewage-sleuths-slow-dirty-death-of-welsh-and-english-rivers-podcast
The article “Sewage sleuths: the men who revealed the slow, dirty death of Welsh and English rivers” discusses the pollution of rivers in England and Wales due to sewage and agricultural waste. Water companies have been accused of releasing billions of litres of raw sewage into rivers, including the Thames. In response to these allegations, the Environment Agency (EA) and Ofwat announced an investigation into water companies in England and Wales on November 18, 2021 . However, the article also highlights that most of the pollution in rivers like the Wye comes from agriculture rather than sewage works, and there is no quick fix for this problem. Regulators have retreated from checking whether farmers are following the rules around pollution, just as they did for water companies, leading to similar consequences . The article emphasizes the lack of government action and enforcement of environmental protection laws, which has allowed river pollution to continue. It also raises concerns about the potential impacts of this pollution on public health, wildlife, and the environment .